Dear Fave,
I started a fantastic oily skin fable and facts last time, refer here to be updated
Continuing on the scientific beauty process today and on how it works is simply that;
I hear a lot of thoughts about the use of oil on an oily skin and the remarks which prompted me to write about oil for oily skin. The body through sebum regulation produces oil on the skin surface as initiated regularly. The skin needs oil on its surface to protect, nourish, soften, moisturize, heal and various other lovely skin beauty and health properties.
Based on the skin type, this sebum regulation varies greatly.
For a dry skin it produces less, while for a normal skin it is normal, a combination skin is a mixed production on different areas of the skin, while for an oily skin it produces more.
How this oil for oily skin works, is by the great benefits the natural oil in itself contains like being abundant in the supply of anti-oxidants which is great in reversing the aging process and environmental stress related toxic factors caused and found in our daily activities.
Present in a majority of natural organic oils, also are anti cancer effects, SPF great against harmful UV rays, be ready for a transformation in the appearance and health of your skin with the use of this regime. Call a bluff if you do not get awesome results within a year.
If you have an oily skin, what the trigger is can be alternated by tricking your skin into believing it has enough oil already by applying oil from the surface and it would not need to send signals to the brain to release excess oil it feels is mandatory for your skin. Whether Normal, Combination or Oily skin, the brain signals for a release of oil onto the surface which is slowed or accelerated by many factors including the cell regeneration, collagen factors, temperature, weather, climate, time changes. This natural oil routine is great for you because of the natural protective benefits.
You should avoid this oil beauty routine if you have a dry skin. If your skin is dry it means the sebum regulation in your body produces less oil and explains the cracky dryness you feel after hot showers or not, during a long day and more, if you think the oil routine is great for you do not be deceived, what you need is a good hydrating moisturizer, (read how to lock in more moisture here). You do not want the skin to reduce the production of an already low oil production, of what seem to be the idea here. Avoid oils for a dry skin, it only worsens the process of its dryness by reducing the sebum production intelligence and makes it produce even less since it senses oil already in a surplus amount, remember this is a brain trick and it works in the reverse process than you actually think.

Furthermore for the application, since it takes only a thin line to draw from supple soft skin to a greasy mess, trust me if you're a newbie to oil application you understand this. With oil, little is more for everything and it is great with the right type, whether you use oil to moisturize, clean your make-up, or just set as base for your make up, whichever regime works for you great, incorporate gradually into your daily routine.
Great oils I love to use are; coconut oil for hair and body (an absolute fabulous smell), tea-tree oil (anti-Inflammatory), shea-butter for entire skin on body and hair (softening and nourishing), argan oil, and many more.
Find the one you love and can recommend.
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