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Skin Food For The Harmattan Winter Season


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Dear Fave,

This season help the skin in its exfoliating process. This is the time when most of the moisture and oil escapes quickly from the skin surface leaving your skin feeling dry, cracky, itchy and embarrassingly looking white. I know I’ve experienced all.

The Christmas holiday is as over as it began for us, not to be mean but other professionals unlike us get to work in other various fields to make sure people do get the services they need during the holiday season, before the whole world gets partially robotized. Regardless of whether I get to work on an important holiday or not, one fact is certain, the weather knows no partiality when it comes to torturing the skin.

I stepped into my workplace and even the patients seemed to have gone on break, but one thing was nice, the friendly faces that stuck around the room, somehow everyone got to doing some nothing even if it was just staring at a chart or pressing their phones (Instances where I’m grateful for internet) Then walked in my friend, instantly I commented on how dull his skin looked, we interacted a bit, noticed the change in my dentition, more pleasantries exchanged, then the matter at hand. C/O

Main complaint was “my skin is peeling. It happens this season everytime the weather is dry like this.” On taking a closer look there was a certain redness which could be from reactions or something else,though he stopped a cosmetic product recently.

I asked “Have you been scratching your face” and his reply was “sure it itches even up to my head.”

I couldn’t laugh and Instantly I knew He needed help. My Recommendations;

I said “you know you can help your skin recover from this mandatory exfoliating process by exfoliating with easy home-made scrubs from ingredients found in the kitchen or a reliable natural/organic scrub from a local beauty place. After exfoliating with scrubs, make sure to polish the skin back with an oil based natural or organic product. This is great because not only do they keep you warm for the season by adding an extra layer of fat on the skin but also leaves the skin soft and overall moisturized immediately after shower.

Physician’s Advice I can tell from looking at the skin if it’s getting it’s required nutrients or not. Multivitamins do not have to extravagantly expensive, focus on the regular intake especially from the fruits, vegetables and foods you eat. Drink more water this season. Remember you wear out what you take in and on.

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