Dear Fave,
Last time on favorite physician I started the topic of weight/abnormal BMI and how it is perceived by the affected and the assumers. This week is the continuation of the topic. Perfect Weight or an abnormal BMI 1
I started a discussion about the body mass index (BMI) which is a measure of the body tissue (muscle, fat, bones; quantifying these based on the height and the weight). Do you know your weight and height? If you do, then that is great. If you don't, then lets run through the procedures quickly.
Procedure for checking the Height
Remove your shoes and socks, then stand bare footed on a flat ground/surface. Remove all head accessories; make sure the hair is flat, so it does
not interrupt with the measurement.Get a Stadiometer (a height chart pasted on the wall), a measuring tape or use a measuring ruler.
Get a mirror (optional). Stand with your back flat and your feet pressed together all against the wall.
Adjust the horizontal arm of the stadiometer, (if you're using one) and let it rest on your head. Alternatively, you could get a pencil and mark where your head starts with the aid of a hard book if you're using a measuring tape. Step away from the measured height and take note of this. If it is digital, the result will display on the small screen.

Take the measurement in meters and square it.
Procedure for checking the Weight
Make sure the scale is lying flat on an even surface for an accurate result. Remove your shoes, socks or any heavy clothing. Stand on the scale, following the owner's manual guide. If it is automatic, you get the result, if not peek at the scale while standing on it and note the result. Take the measurement in kilogram(kg) or convert to kilogram.

N.B. It is best to have someone assist you while you measure both your height and weight. Preferably in the morning. For an example on how to calculate your BMI. We'll do some mathematical calculations together.
For this calculation:
A height of ---1 Meter = 100 Centimeter (Convert Height in Centimeters to Meters).
A weight of ---1 Pound = 0.45 Kilogram (Convert Weight in Pound to Kilogram).
BMI= Weight(kg)/Height(m2) Find the result on the BMI chart. E.g 1. For a height of 172cm and a weight of 50kgBMI=50kg / 1.72m x 1.72m BMI=50/2.958 BMI=16.9 (below normal) E.g 2. For a height of 190cm and a weight of 90 BMI=90kg /1.90 x 1.90m BMI=90/3.61 BMI=24.9 (normal) E.g 3. For a height of 150cm and a weight of 100 BMI=100kg / 1.50 x 1.50m BMI=100/2.25 BMI=44.4 (class III Obesity) Calculate yours and use the BMI chart to assess the result. Also, available are various BMI calculators online, most are accurate.
Even more acceptably due to its accuracy is the waist circumference. You need a measuring cloth tape and this article.

Place the inch part of the tape around the waist, orbiting above the hip bone to the beginning of the measurement and holding your finger on the part measured. Switch the tape and check the figure on your thumb and index finger. When certain of this number check to see where it falls under the waist circumference assessment. Result(Less than or equal to)
<40inches cm="" span=""><35inches cm="" span="">Man - 40 Inches or 101.6cm. <40inches cm="" span=""><35inches cm="" span="">Woman - 35 Inches or 88.9cm. <40inches cm="" span=""><35inches cm="" span="">The pecks of knowing the waist circumference will disclose your risk of developing obesity-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes,high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and coronary artery diseases, amongst others.

For any problems, visit a Physician

Photo Credit- JidPixels.
Next on Favorite Physician- Weight loss fast, excluding superstitions.