Dear Fave,
I wake up some days and don't even remember what I see when I look at the mirror.Moments like that, I know it's likely stress related, which translates to a low mental beauty picture in the mind and eventually a glowless skin;
This would sound familiar to most faves.What to do at moments like this is to get right back on track.To get right back on track, first is to prepare the mind...

Repeat after me fave: "I Am Beautiful"Science has proven how powerful our words are, therefore what you constantly say comes for you.In the book of Exodus, God called Himself 'I Am that I Am' when Moses asked what he should tell Pharoah (in this case representing every negative afflictions and issues over your beauty)What do you say after I Am?I Am the Best, I Am Beauty with Brains,Make positive declarations everytime, especially at the dawn of a new day and see how well the day turns out.Now let's make serious declarations; "I decree that every arrow that has been shot into my beauty for evil must turn around for good.Every attack over my flawless skin shall be met with the vengeance of the Lord.I declare that I cannot be sick, the price has been paid in full for my health, my wealth, my skin, my beauty and my joy to the glory of God.I love me as I love you Lord." This is my most beauty filled week yet.

Skin first, makeup second!; This cannot be overemphasized.
"The mirror of your health, is your skin."

This is more of a sequence to the former.You cannot treat your skin like a flip-flop and expect it to look like louboutin.

Sometimes you just have to clean your room and apply an elaborate skincare routine and pretend that's an equivalent to getting your life in order.

Skincare is like dieting.You have to invest time and effort. There is no instant miracle cure.

A great expert tip; is to use old or unwanted facial serums, oils and moisturizers as body lotion.Then facial wash and lotion to wash makeup brushers, old cleansers and toners to clean them quickly.

This seems like a joke but in reality the brows are not twins and should be treated like sisters.
"Low-key we all have that favorite brow"
Do you struggle to make your eyebrows or eyeliner even on both sides?Apply to your non-dominant side first. You will have an easier time matching it to your dominant side.I do my brows personally and face this challenge occasionally but never bother because I know I can correct it while making up by filling and concealing. However as much as each brow looks beautiful individually it's best to have them looking like twins than just sisters.Starting on the left side of my brows will be easier to align with the right brow since I am right handed.

Sunscreen is an important must in any skincare routine, but applying it right is also good.

Would be understandable if Snow White truly said this, because no matter the age of an individual or at whatever stage of life they are beauty lies in the heart.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord , she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30 NKJV
"Start taking care of your skin now and let your future self thank you for the investment_ Dr Anne Saidu"
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