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MISHAP The Story Continues


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Dear Fave,

Continuing from the health story we started last week, let’s see how it plays out, do not forget to like and share. Enjoy!

She looked around in amazement as how the room which was previously packed full could actually reduce so, next to her on the bed sat an emaciated ugly skinny looking being who from all points looked like it had a hundred percent loyalty from Francis. In a pretense, she craved to be joined with Francis while deep down emotionally she thought of a zillion reasons why this poor looking fellow would have all of this sweet looking handsome gentleman’s attention like she did. In the edge of a corner, Francis stared at her all through, having already noticed the happenings he hid his face away speaking to her in a different more scary tone than he ever had. Shocked! she thought to her self why he would speak to her the way he did and before she knew it out of the abundance of her heart asked why he was treating her that way and what he wanted as was her custom always getting whatever she laid her heart to get, then he instructed an order on her, immediately the ugly skinny looking being started molesting her, she was ordered to retaliate, scared, disgusted and unhappy she looked for a way out but realized it was dark out, fully unarmed she obliged, touched and touching back, she looked up and the strange being gave her a kiss, it felt like a kiss of death, at which she said she couldn’t take it any longer, with courage she stood up and walked off, Francis didn’t deserve her, how dare he make such an order on her.

Outside she sought for fresh water as was all she needed for life at the moment, spotting a source as she moved on closer she got some, walking away in her usual glory she realized her momentary time of distraction had caused a lot, something happened while she was away, someone else was in power or so seemed, she left the scene on a quest to find out what happened, a battalion of armed soldiers paraded everywhere like ants preparing for winter.

She got through them and now needed to pass the small gate left as a pauper harassed by a soldier there she screamed at him called attention as she would have usually done and received order due, he just ignored her and others pacified her, some just stared…. What! she wasn’t even recognized in her past glory, What happened? What had she done? What was happening? Who was that man? What had happened to the kingdom in her absence? She needed to get to the bottom of all these questions playing out in her mind and find out if her actions had consequences already playing out beyond what she could see at the moment.

Consequences like the ones not mentioned about the prodigal child, fine she obviously lost all her money, query mindset, what about her dignity and power, before it’s too late a new journey has to be embarked on. See you again next week as she embarks on a different quest. Love F.P.

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