Dear Fave,
It is a true fact, that stress releases hormones that cause acne skin breakouts, amongst many more medical and skin issues.
I know fully well how stressful a bit of workload can cause on the relationship between you and the regeneration of your lovely skin. Your skin loves its time out to shed new dead cells and renew the very beautiful process.
Causes of Acne are numerous but can be avoided, varying from hormone imbalance, hereditary, stress related and many more, but our main focus today is the importance of staying stress free, as the skin is not really a fan of stress, varying from the aging process to the formation of acne zits, many things can cause an acne breakout, for either the male or female gender and stress finds itself at one of the top list. Have you spent less sleep hours, trying to finalize that project, final exams or work is basically just busy, well find out the ultimate acne stress rule out rules.
I have discussed more details here in favoritephysician.
Endeavor to maintain a clean skin, as this reduces the amount of bacteria floating symbiotically on the oily skin surface, mixed with sweat and environmental dirt factors, which thence causes the pores of the skin to be blocked and inflamed. Use a medicated, antiseptic soap to bath regularly.
Use your basic acne skin care products appropriately and if you do not have any, find a good set using the information on knowing how to pick the products right for your skin type here on favorite physician Need help! Send me an email for consultations and questions.
Buy multivitamins they provide essential nutrients you lack in your food and give you appetite when stress makes you loose them.
Apply a good antibiotic base cream or gel for severe acne containing clindamycin in the area of a new breakout at the same time everyday and sleep overnight with it on. It works by killing the bacteria that cause acne, reducing the surface oil that irritates the skin surface. N.B Let your primary physician give you a prescription to use clindamycin and any other antibiotics to prevent decreasing the drugs effectiveness for future purposes . Alternatively, you can apply a dab of tea-tree oil on a cotton pad onto acne area and leave on overnight. Also Used commonly in cosmetic products are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.
Eat well and healthy, drink lots of water/fluids and avoid junk foods, they increase your stress level and craving junk is a sign of stress in itself. Less Sugar.
Physicians Advice; Ultimately rest, you cannot by-cut this important fact, 15 minutes of short nap a day relieves stress from a short night or insufficient sleep.
With these you are most definitely fully equipped for your next stress battle. Know a fave in need of this information be sure to share it with them and leave your comments, questions and thoughts on how you battle stress below, you just might be helping someone who needs it.