Dear fave,
It’s the ember moment again, coupled with so much festivities your look should be number one on your mind but with so much business going on, family members around, work, end of the year, keeping the books, pulling the sweats, gaining right weight. It’s hard to keep up, that’s why I’m helping you with this beauty know-how that works for the supple season of love and family.

Soft lips, supple lips, signs of dehydration and proper care Lip Care The skin on the lips is thinner that in other skin areas, there are no oil glands present either therefore it is prone to sunburn and should be protected as such in all weather, the skin heals better when its moist, thereby its essential to moisturize. Perfect Lips for Makeup. We all want that lip perfect finish when we have our makeup done, Exfoliate the lips every other day with a mild lips scrub, learn how make your own home made lip scrub easily. Apply a lip balm immediately after containing beeswax or other natural ingredients. The night or aleast 15 minutes before you apply a matte lipstick, a nice lip balm or shea butter softens the lip preventing brittleness. Avoid the application of lipstick on a bruised hurt lips to avoid irritating the lips more. The cost of a cosmetic product doesn't matter as much as the ingredients present, please be wary of harmful chemical substances present in some cosmetic lip products which makes it last longer. Proper care. Drink water to stay hydrated always. Do not lick your lips, this dries it out even more. Apply cosmetic products with honey, moisturizing with beeswax containing balms or gloss, avoiding mineral oils. Petroleum jelly no no. Treatments.Multivitamins are always great for the lips therefore as such, you could add the following vitamins to your diet to improve the appearance of a healthy skin. Vitamin A, C, E. Jojoba oil, Castor oil, Shea butter, Sweet almond and more. They are antioxidants and improve the skin structure by promoting blood flow to the skin, removing radicals and acting as sun protectors. Vit B also. Honey contains natural agents which softens, moisturizers, protects and prevents dry chapped lips. Foods, Cucumber, Carrots, Pineapples, Lemons, Oranges, Pomegranates, Berries e.t.c. Papaya contains exfoliating enzymes which soften and redefines lip lines Danger! Smoking causes the lips to wrinkle, burn, chap and releases free radicals bad for the skin. Alcohol makes the skin dehydrated causing the lips to be dry. This are just but some few do nots for a healthy glowing soft lips and skin. Extras. C-Ester a natural extract and deep hydrating lip treatment that repairs dry and distressed lips also with an added lightening effect. Cinnamon oil, Argan oils - makes the lip appear fuller in just a few seconds hydrating dry lips. A warm black teabag works great in moisturing the lips within 5minutes of application. How to make a lip scrub at home Apply a thin layer of honey mixed with fine granulated sugar on your lips and massage slowly for 3-5minutes. Turmeric powder plus lime juice will lighten and glow your lips. An alternative is to lightly brush the lips with your toothbrush while washing your mouth. Now you know all the flavors important for your lips, be sure to keep it just flavored right.
Love, F.P.