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Inspirational. Journey to Life;


Updated: Nov 10, 2021

Dear Fave,

Just like a motor ride...

The vehicle has a big wind screen for the big journey ahead and small rear view mirrors to help get over the past while for others, to take a peek at precious memories but never to dwell on them.Similarly, let us imagine the windscreen on a rainy day to life.

I was on a journey once when it began to rain, I asked the driver if his wiper wasn't working and he asked me if I couldn't see.

Quietly I thought to myself, the initial drizzling of the rain can easily be broken through, you walk confidently underneath prepared for when the storm hits.

He either was prepared; wipers working properly, head lights on spark for the great storm about to hit or we were just going to park and a take a seat patiently waiting for the storm to pass. I wasn't looking at the drizzling but at the rain storm about to hit, and immediately he switched it on I realized how cloudy my vision was, yes cloudy is the middle man which might not get you parked aside but will not get you ahead at the maximum speed either.

The solution to the current situation is a constant connection of the wiper working to and fro until the rain subsides a bit and wiper decreases its rate or speed of work, until then it keeps wiping the water off the windscreen for a clear view, similarly in life, most times the developing or current situation seems clouded because it just began, but you prepare for the storm in the calm and your preparation switches your wiper on which clears all doubts, stupid emotions and fear. And depending on the scenario most times you need to stay connected or plugged in, like in the case of a phone plugged receiving power.

To stay connected is not to mean its over, you might have to long enough with strength, hope and trust. Prepare and realize how easy opportunities come across a prepared path.

Stay safe when faith shows you a clear vision that you can now unplug or disconnect the wiper or power because even with your eyes closed now you can travel the path, all plans prepared by vision.

Be clear, to be clear you can still need a minor vision wipe once in a while, the importance is knowing when and how to connect, stay connected, to plug or discharge.

Faith is like WiFi, invisible but can connect you to what you need, work by faith in the vision and not what you see as the natural.

Pls free to share with the ones you love.

Love, F.P.

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