Dear Fave,
Beauty in itself is a gift and it’s so wonderful to find out that with Dr. Nature all that glitters is good, wow she also has a part in sharing this beautiful gift, so what’s expected of you is to receive this beauty in abundance, think of them as the daily dose you need. How does she perform this wonders to the human nature? In this few steps, you’ll learn to appreciate yourself more through; NATURE’S BEST BEAUTY DOCTORS
I shared an article here on the cycle of respiration and how green is a thing and should be maintained as such, we know that without Oxygen we cannot breath and as such cannot live. Air is a mixture of different gases in different composition levels. Although with the depreciating level of global warming issues, I implore you tend to a live plant in your room, bathroom, window or protect a garden close to your house, in so doing not only do you improve your respiratory cycle but you also help the environment survive too. Plant a tree in your community today.

If there’s anything more I preach on this blog, must be on water. This free gift cannot be over emphasized, I mean super multi in nature, drink, shower, clean, solvent-solution to name but a few uses, Find more on Water uses here and why If I was asked to pick between Electricity or Water heheee, I bet you know my answer, super tricky but pros versus cons, water gives a lot more advantages, partly because I cannot stand a dirty environment, personal hygiene and so on. The environment needs water for growth of vegetation, for the food we eat, to wash away dirt and more, even though uncontrolled can lead to disasters like flood, hurricanes and more. A heartfelt sympathy to lives recently lost to such disasters. May the good Lord protect our family members in places prone to such disasters IJN.

As much as sunshine is one to be protective over, the benefits of sunshine speaks in our natural everyday lives; From the administration of vitamin D, to the necessary green chlorophyll process for photosynthesis in plants and of course dehydration or drying amongst the many other uses. Provided you protect yourself from the harmful ultraviolet radiation emissions in large doses, it’s pretty safe to say we love sunshine and miss it most in cold seasons like winter, or harmattan in Africa. Here is why you should embrace using a good SPF - Sun Protective Factor

I must have built an entire serie on this one. Exercise right for a strong mental mind and good physique. What you eat in you wear out, eating at the appropriate time, following fitness rules or not, building a strong mind and body is a goal you can incorporate into your daily habits by making that decision today, getting the perfect weight is up to you based on the decisions you make daily. Take your multivitamins daily for diet supplements to improve your health, hair, nails and skin.
Rest is a crucial time restoration in the skin and general health care, notice how refreshed a 15 minutes nap reverses a short night or a 5minutes day break makes the perfect remainder of work. For more on rest and it’s importance read on steps to staying young

Enough after I get your comments, questions and contributions. Do share with your friends by the social media links here, Thanks.
Love, F.P.