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Attain A Flawless Foundation Less Skin Goal


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Dear Fave,

Awhile ago I had an experience making a decision on good cosmetic products to buy which I wrote on, in an article teaching you how to pick yours too right here on Favorite Physician(find link here).

With all honesty I wanted to discuss about non-comedogenic make ups today but why makeup when the skin underneath screams for attention, makeup should enhance the natural beauty as primary aim while hiding flaws should be secondary hence my discussion today. Neither will I rant about the quality of products available these days in our part of the world either. I have decided to be more practical and embark on a two week goal in which I want to attain a flawless foundation less skin hopefully with your help of course motivating me together with partnership, so I'll go through a work up of the plans and we'll review the results together after or subsequently as you complete yours.

Note that I am not necessarily in this case advertising any products, of course I will reveal all the products I'll use, decipher the reasons, and teach you how you can get similar products with similar results not necessarily copying me but following your taste to achieve a constant line that would work just as much as it should.

First things first, we need a good skin preparation by way of a cleansing wash, in my case I choose an exfoliating lightening soap bar, if you follow me constantly you know I'm more of a liquid soap and scrub kinda beauty, but remember we need different methods to attain a different result, so in this new season our goal of a flawless foundation-less skin is an expectation tied to a reality.

The name of the soap is pure white with a gold pack and the first thing that came to my mind when I opened it at home was hmmm, two things either a new product which could be a good thing or nahhh a poor imitation which isn't so good. The truth is I was in a hurry while selecting the products so the experience of not wanting to pick a steroidal filled product boiled down to me picking this not so familiar but similar product. (Patiently follow through my teachings as I expose steps by steps how to tell harmful products apart from the natural and healthy ones).

At first use my thought was uhmmm, really good beads for exfoliating foamy enough and mildly scented although not anything original.

Good alternatives I have used previously are dove exfoliating bar soap my favorite if you lay your hands on an original bar, then fair and white has numerous exfoliating soaps, others like makari, E16 (not sure) and many others can give the same results too so it's all about choice and not necessarily what someone marketedly sells to you

. If you notice most products they come in steps, like 1 preparation, 2, 3, 4 and so on. I'll take you through each steps, the ones I incorporate and which I skipped and why, my substitutes and other good alternatives you can try too.

The final step of all of course is the treatment stage which is my main aim. I'd love to talk about the spot removal and skin toning care but there's a lot to educate upon so we'll leave it for another time, for now ponder on what your skin really needs, go through our previous skincare guidelines and prepare your mind for a wow skin that will keep you thankful for beauty.

Remember this is a goal we are to achieve together, whatever challenges you encounter along the way be sure to contact me and I'd be glad to help.

Love, F.P.

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