Dear Fave,
As important as the cosmetic products applied externally on the skin are, even much more important are those taken in too, bringing light to our discussion.
A regular on Favorite Physician would know how much I advocate for the use of multivitamin supplements, added for various reasons to our daily regimen. However, today I’ll streamline to the most basics of them all.
Vitamins are any group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth, function, and nutrition of the body, though required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
My favorite vitamins that slay and glow my skin generally but more specifically speaking are the Vitamins A, C & E, which I add as supplements to my diet.
When I eat foods containing the vitamins A, C or E, I notice a drastic glowy effect almost immediately on my skin.
Vitamins A, C, E are also known as antioxidants which helps with the harmful effects of the environment, the carcinogenic effects of pollutions and improve immune function.
Vitamins can be in excess and reversely can also be insufficient, which is why it’should be added with care to every diet.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A has so many roles, some of which are absolutely good for the skin.
The immune function which helps the overall skin outlook, by the maintenance of epithelial cells, which are present in the skin layers.
A good multivitamin containing 10,000 - 50,000 U of vitamin per day is highly recommended.
The vitamin A products used for acne treatment are in doses as high up to 100,000 - 300,000 U.
Foods containing vitamin A are fleshy vegetables, carrots, beef, liver, salmon e.t.c.
Note that mineral oils decrease the levels of vitamin A by inhibiting the absorption in the digestive tract when taken orally.

Vitamin C
One of the most common vitamins also known as ascorbic acid, which is readily available in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, fleshy vegetables and so on.
Recommended daily dose is 75mg in females and 90mg in males.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for the synthesis of collagen, which has functions in the skin cells regeneration and amongst its many other functions are; cancer prevention, good wound healing, and prevention of common colds, vitamin c also regenerates other vitamins like vitamin E, which leads us to my next favorite best skin slaying vitamin E.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E also known as Tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is also a great antioxidant carried in foods like egg yolk, leafy vegetables, wheat germ oil, recommended dose of 15mg (22 I.U) is allowed.
It is great to note that any supplements you intend to add to your diet should be reviewed by your physician, especially if you are on other regular medications.
If there are any supplements you think should be on this list, share them in the comment box below.
Stay connected for more skincare secrets dished spicy.
Love, F.P.