LASSA FEVER: A Letter To All Health Workers

Dear fave,
Today as my colleague, as well as my loved one I want to assure you that I care about you, so much I want to clear up my mind about how I feel, educate us a bit and remind us of what we already know too and what should and shouldn’t be again with such an outbreak.
In the past few weeks a lot of news about the ongoing Lassa fever outbreak has scared a lot of health professionals, taken the lives of fellow colleagues, prestige left intact.
When I go through the emergency floor seeing all forms of suffering, all I can think about is how thankful I am for my health and loved ones like you, but with the aim of prevention to keep it as such in the little possible way I can although all glory goes to the father who gives us breathe everyday and decides whose time it is or not, as I go through those sad updates on the health conditions of this medical state of Lassa fever in the country all I think about is my loved ones and how if anything happened to me what the outcome would be emotions and feelings wise. If my love for my loved ones wouldn’t let me take up risks associated with displeasure and hurting them I also expect you to think the same.
It feels like it’s not the first time I heard of Lassa fever then again it felt like it.

In this beautiful chart find attached all you need to know about Lassa fever at a glance, save your self and your loved ones, hazard allowance is not worth any tears.
I have so many needle pricks story even the PEP post exposure prophylaxis gives crazy side effects so beware, stay safe. The fact that this disease is one to show instant R.I.P results doesn’t mean there are no other slower acting killer diseases one is exposed to everyday, this is more than an eye opener that we should care more for ourselves and not just when there’s an epidemic which is scaring people and destabilizing yourselves mentally.
I help myself by walking around with a mini sized sanitizer, most health care centers do not provide or it’s not readily available. It’s possible to wash your hands after each patient and before the next, we made a joke with a colleague of mine saying that the dryness effects of the hands gotten from the use of all sorts of chemicals in the name of universal safety precautions is worth keeping our families and loved ones safe, seeing it gives a chance to live long and be a professor or minister one day.
My dear fave stay alive, you can only live to fight another day this way. Be wise. I will definitely put up a more comprehensive outlook on the total health system in the nation and not just on emergency reactions, let's all calm down and strive to apply knowledge on how to improve the entire health sector.
More on this article, questions, comments can be left below, if you know anyone with the symptoms suspected report to the nearest hospital or appropriate authorities near you.