Dear Fave,
If you or anyone you know has ever been a patient in a teaching hospital or a specialist hospital then you would have noticed that there are set day(s) for a grand ward-round.
Grand round or grand ward-round as is called in some places, is basically a day when all members of a particular team of doctors, from the most junior to the most senior doctors and other health workers, are present. Patients are examined, diagnosis and prognosis made or reviewed, students taught and patient's case notes updated, prescriptions re-evaluated and so on. In a grand round, you stand for as long as it lasts unless given permission not to, due to a health condition. The complete opposite occurs when you take a flight across distant cities, you are made to sit strapped in unless told you don't have to. Similarly, you're made to assume one position in both situations, for a long time and in motion, which can be quite discomforting unless you have a few tricks up your sleeves. No, I'm not spilling the ones for grand rounds. Erhh! it's part of your training process unless you think you're an exception to this in which case, with good reasons I could share those with you. I hope you're as excited about my travel and transit experience as I am, which is why today I will be sharing my personal travel cheats with my favorite faves just because I love y'all so much.
Special Seats Leg-room Space Resting Exercises Comfortable Travel look Hair Travel Neck Pillow Medications Skin Care Make-Up Stay Hydrated Accommodation, WiFi, Calls, Others
As much as grand ward rounds are not so much fun sometimes from the long hours spent standing (not to mention the others), sitting for an even longer period can be worse.
Special Seats
The seat you are given or have the liberty to choose determines the outcome of your entire flight. Aisle, middle or window. The aisle seat is considered the most popular choice due to the easy access it grants to the restrooms, the extra leg-room space and not having to take an excuse every time you want to step out of your seat, not to talk of the easier accessibility to the cabin crew members you have. My personal favorite is the window seat, which anyone who suffers from motion sickness can relate to, the pride of nature's serene view when it's not all clouds and the mini comfort of the privacy it provides.
Would love to know your seat preference too including why, which you can share in the comment box below.

Leg-room Space
I never have an issue with leg-room space, maybe because my limbs aren't so long. But a trick would be to have a travel buddy who is really tall, that way they get a special seat that accommodates their long limbs and you automatically get to sit together with them.
If finding a travel companion would not be feasible at the moment you are traveling, then you could just choose the seats you desire which in this case are most likely the ones marked close to the emergency exits (N.B You have to be alert the entire flight, in case of any emergencies also the cabin crew members will put you through all you need to know).
Resting Exercises
Because sitting in a certain position for too long, can be bad for the body's blood circulation, doing a few stretches on your seat can be really good for the body's circulation, stand up from your seat when the seat belt sign is not on and walk down the aisle, to and fro, stretch in the process, do this as often as you wish.
Comfortable Travel look
I choose a comfortable look to travel, which may have a different meaning to you in so many ways, but here goes mine; Joggers, bra tops, vests or none (once the straps in bra move up it gets really uncomfortable), a shirt and running shoes. Others are gowns, leggings and a shirt.
You might be thinking where is the denim jeans in her list, sorry to burst your bubble, but I never consider denim jeans as comfortable, casual yes. But that is as much as I do with pieces of denim because I normally do not fancy the look comfort-wise, you know it has to be tight, sleek and all that, not when a majority of mine are high waist and would not dream of trying that on any long trip whatsoever.
Joggers and running shoes have always been my signature travel look since when I realized how snuggly their comfort serves and despite the long hours they never rumple to give an untidy look.
Airport security makes you remove your shoes and I really do not like having to do that then look jumbled, arranging my electronics back into my bag, reorganizing myself, wearing shoes and whatever else I had to remove, just wastes so much time, disrupting all my inner calm.
If I am not wearing leggings as a look then I just hold the leggings sock in my carry on luggage in case of the cold, which almost always comes in handy. Like I knew on my last trip, immediately I arrived at a different airport, bam! There the cold was, welcoming me.
Even if you wear a low-cut having a silk scarf always does the magic against having an amazing hair looking like an inevitable hot mess from the friction that occurs while tossing and turning, trying to get the best head position to sleep. Alternatively, wear your hair in a ponytail or braided to the side, this leaves me comfortable as against leaving the hair loose amidst trying to get the best sleep spot.
"The ultimate key to recognize when traveling a long distance with extended transit hours is to be comfortable."
Travel Neck Pillow
Once my hair is out of the way, the next struggle usually is getting the best neck position to nap. Heres where a travel neck pillow comes in super handy. I do not do well sleeping in a sitting position, a travel neck pillow gives me the illusion of having a comfortable pillow and protects my neck from getting hurt also saving me the stress of tossing and turning which can be annoying especially if one also suffers from motion sickness.
If you are on regular pills or medications do not hesitate to take them along with you onto the cabin and use as prescribed. You can stick to your home time and schedule as previously observed.
Do not ever be obliged to falter from your regular skincare routine, you might not be able to do the 10 steps Korean skincare routine but as much as you can stick to your facial and other skincare treatments, carry cosmetics and treatment products in travel size containers, this way you avoid stress-induced skin breakouts and other skin related disorders and keep the face healthy.
A good multi-purpose essential oil, like tea tree oil, comes in handy for aromatherapy, quick nasal as well as acne fixes.
I never hesitate to freshen up, when I visit the toilet I wash my hands thoroughly, spritz some fresh water on my face and hair, moisturize my hands, moisturize my lips and face accordingly. Then apply a puff of fragrance to help me stay in sync with my inner self.
This is based on individual preferences but for me no matter how flawed my skin seems I never wear a full faced makeup on any trip, especially not a long one. But I have an exception to my eyes and lips, I do not appreciate looking like I just got out of bed, because the tiredness from oversleeping and being stuck in one position for so long will have a way of giving off the zombie, I just woke up from sleep look. A little eye makeup portrays an awake eye, while the lips give color to the face.
Stay Hydrated
The phrase "Stay hydrated!!!" can never be over-emphasized. The stress that accompanies traveling, has a way of making the skin lose moisture, leaving the skin looking oily, dry, dull, tired and in some cases puffy around the eyes.
I try to stay hydrated by drinking water even after having a drink or tea, I do not wait to feel thirsty and yes you can carry on the little water bottle given you to cross security checks provided it's below 25mls or so moreover if you think you will have an issue, the worst is you'll be asked to drink it there or dispose of it, which is really not a big deal.
I know with the variety of drinks available on the flight, you might be tempted to have a beverage party but I'll discourage you from doing that, the wisest thing to do to yourself will be to avoid caffeinated drinks - coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, and so on. This is because they have a way of messing with your hydration status, which depending on your mood can additionally act as depressants or stimulants, besides the risk of already getting jet-lagged after traveling across several time zones. Why further add an unnecessary high or low.
You might have your reservations about this point, but now you know and can't deny I didn't tell you.

Accommodation, WiFi, Calls, Others
Nothing is more frustrating than having a long transit time and being planless. If you have a long transit time, make sure you arrange your hotel or lounge access with the flight company or do so yourself beforehand, you do not want to sleep on the airport floors, increasing the risk of frustration and stress.
Most airports have free WiFi access for a limited time. Alternatively, if you get a tea, snack, water, yogurt, or whatever from a cafe you would be given access to the WiFi for a limited period.
Furthermore, you'd want to load your mobile phone and set it to international roaming if your mobile service provider supports this, would be wise to check the rates and be sure you're satisfied with it.
Likewise, there are public call centers where for a fee you get to make calls.
The transiting situation is fun if you only know how to maximize the experience. Walk around the airport and explore the beauty and possibilities, mini spa services are available, get a massage, manicure or pedicure, shop, try free foods, try designer fragrances, and try new products.
"The transiting situation is fun if you only know how to maximize the experience."
Do all this, having your flight in consideration, giving at least an hour for check-in and boarding to avoid any embarrassing situations, unnecessary pleas, and definitely not missing your flight in the process of trying to explore the airport.
The ultimate key to recognize when traveling a long distance with extended transit hours is to be comfortable.
I'd love to read your ultimate travel look, favorite seat preference and why, travel skincare routines, or any other tricks you have off your sleeves too, besides the luggage weight reduction by raising the luggage with your toes, I mean how many luggage stands are even that low, or why carry over-weight and not want to pay?