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Skin Rules Say No To Burns


Updated: Nov 10, 2021

Dear Fave,

The human skin can tolerate temperatures as high as 44°C (111°F) for a relatively long time about 6 hours before irreversible damage occurs, but for temperatures greater than this level the risk of tissue destruction is high. Even when a substance possesses sufficient heat to cause a burn injury, it will not do so unless its heat can be transferred to the skin

Burns can be caused by mechanical, chemical, physical or biological factors. Fire, Hot water, Corrosive substances e.t.c.

The Three different methods of heat transfer that exists are: conduction, convection, and radiation.

When the skin comes in direct contact with a hot solid object it is termed conduction, while Convection is when heat is transferred by a material itself involving movements and predetermined by heat conduction, energy storage and mixing motion. Convection is the most important mechanism of energy transfer between the skin and a heated liquid or gas. e.g Hot water spilling on the skin transfers heat by convection between the water droplets and the skin surface. Steam or very hot air also transfers heat to the skin by convection.

Local Measures To Prevent Burns.

  • Primary (which includes general and specific measures)

General measures includes: health education on measures to prevent burns,

then the Specific measures; Indicated in this scenario is the ready measures to prevent serious injuries, like keeping a fire extinguisher in your car ready, in the house, having multiply exit and entry points for emergency. Independent smoke detectors, as this can further reduce the case of total damage, the building materials used for construction. Basic IQ- when you boil water instead of taking the hot water to the cold water it should be a reversed case, take the cold water to the hot water. If your kitchen is in the same area with your bedroom then be more careful with the kids around and even yourself, avoid unnecessary danger. When you get to an accident site and want to help the passengers, shout for help make sure you clear the danger zone first, get a safe area away from the source of danger and avert any oncoming traffic.

  • Secondary; targeting at early diagnosis and prompt treatment

Your basic aim here is to prevent burn patients from having complications. early first aid, patient treated in the hospital appropriately, access to airway established, patient is breathing, an intravenous access for drugs and fluids, administration of drugs- pain relievers and antibiotics, then absolute prevention of complications, splinting areas of burns in anti deformity position, early skin grafting, and physiotherapy

  • Tertiary: this involves managing complications already established and rehabilitating patient bach to the society.

Physician's Advice

Burns could result to high morbidity and mortality if not properly managed, therefore all measures toward prevention and control should be highly observed.



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