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New Sanitary Pad Review; ANGEL


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Dear fave,

It’s menstrual hygiene month and as such I will be giving a quick review on a lovely product I came across, but before that let’s hear your views on your favorite method for keeping your period comfortable and pleasant.

Two most popular methods are the use of a tampon or a sanitary towel. Tampons are cotton wrapped in the form of a lollipop stick inserted into the vagina for absorption of the blood being excreted without showing exteriorly except for the little string left for easy removal or monitoring.

It has a lot of side effects if not used properly and may likely cause infection with an unhygienic form of insertion (especially for those without an applicator inserted with an unsanitized hand).

While the use of pad is not without its own pecks, as the amount of hours varies from 4-6 hourly change to the 12hours absorbing action the sanitary pads company advertise, there can be ascending form of infection also if not properly used, so the wisdom is to use whichever method you would during your period with safety, making sure to observe hygienic precautions.

Recently, during a medical outreach to a secondary school, I came across a new sanitary towel which came as part of sponsors for the program. Samples were given and I initially had a funny notion but during my period I had a change of mind and have decided to give a review of what I think about the product in comparison to others I have used alongside and in the past.

Like many faves I believe a lot of us like to stick to particular brands when it comes to toiletries, I hardly find people randomly change toothpaste, tissue paper, soap, and the likes without prior proper convictions.

The name of the product in question is angel sanitary pad, it came in a sample pack, blue in color 3pieces inside, contrary to my initial thoughts angel sanitary pad as a company is not new to the market because they have been making maternal sanitary towels used for delivery in pregnancy (Mama), however these mini ones for monthly periods is their latest project as was portrayed.

Views I like that it’s individually wrapped for sanitary hygiene reasons and can be easily used to wrap the used pad afterward. However, the glue on the stick-on is stronger than the wrapping material itself thereby tears in an attempt to open it.

The angel sanitary pad feels quite bulky to hold when unwrapped compared to other sanitary pads, after unwrapping the angel sanitary pad it was noticed to be really long in length which quite explains the reason it feels bulky unwrapped.

It is great for night use due to this reason and is the same length as that of 'Always sanitary pad night'.

Angel sanitary pad on opening has no particular scent, in essence, it is not perfumed, which after wearing for a while gives the period an offensive odor due to sweat, heat and especially in prolonged use. I have a light to medium flow so no leakage was noticed. It is said to be wearable for 12 hours. Absorbability is superb, in that it almost dries as it comes in contact with the blood, keeping you feeling dry all through the use.

In general, I will recommend you try angel sanitary pads.

The market value I believe is affordable and is available from the local markets and online stores. A pack of 8 is for regular flow while a pack of 7 is for heavy flow and cost approximately 550 Naira only. Please be sure to give feedback about your experience also, remember we share good news when we find something worth letting other faves have.

Love, F.P

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